Say no to shopping

There's nothing more likely to send me screaming out the door than the announcement on a trip that "yes ladies, you are going ..... shoppinnnnnnng!".

Why is it taken as gospel that all women love shopping? I don't. And I'm a woman.

I don't mind doing a bit of leisurely strolling past windows and perhaps ducking in and looking at one or two items. But the leisurely stroll has to be en route to a cafe.

The idea of spending hours and hours walking around shops fills me with horror.

And even greater horror is supermarket shopping or...that scary of all scary places, Ikea. Get those trolleys away from me!

But it's this idea that women need to fit shopping in when they go on a trip that really annoys me. When shopping is suggested, it's often said with a cheeky glint in the eye, like "Ooo you're so naughty, going out and spending all that hard-earned cash" (or more likely credit).

Maybe men might want to shop while the women go and play golf, or hey even go and see an exhibition at a gallery or visit a museum. Or wait for this one, talk to locals.

I've been known to stand outside shops and wait for my companion rather than go in.

We're slaves enough to consumerism then why force more of it on us? I have enough things. I want to throw stuff out not buy more. (Unless it's a ruby ring or perhaps an incredible Kenyan wooden necklace. Everybody has their limits on not being able to say no.)

A few souvenirs or artifacts from interesting countries are allowed, and they might even get past Quarantine and a good pair of boots from Italy or even cowboy boots from the US can be sneaked into the suitcase. Yes that's OK but they should be bought in the process of doing OTHER things or right at the end before you're about to jump on the plane.

Not everybody will agree with me on this one and it's a free world - well when it comes to spending money it's not that free (and don't lets start about politics).

So do whatever you will. But please don't expect me to come with you. Just meet me at the bar.