Inner-City Views

It's always fascinating looking out my kitchen window in inner-Sydney Ultimo. There's a passing parade of pedestrians and drivers, which never seems to stop.

There's people walking into the city to go to work, students walking in the opposite direction.

There's grandmothers taking their grandchildren to the pre-school up the road. And on weekend nights the crowd emerging from one of the best, local pubs in Sydney: the Lord Wolseley.

Our local homeless woman never stops moving. Up and down the street every day. She's on a mission. To collect bags and odds and sods to fill up her trolleys. She sleeps next to them under a huge, blue tarpaulin. She gets moved from one spot but just ups all her belongings and goes to another. She's tiny and grey but she's as fit as a fiddle. And very, very serious.

My city view is a stark contrast to my country view - escarpment in between the rainforest trees. Birds of every description. I particularly love the lyrebirds who come to peck at their reflection on the sliding door.

You wake up to the sound of birds and cows mooing in the paddock there, not cars and construction.

Each wakening fills me with curiosity.

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