Big Bang Theory or Keep it Local

I'm not crazy about big, public events. The last time I went to a major one in Sydney - the opening night of the Sydney Festival last year - I was hit on the head by a flying bottle aimed at the rubbish bin. A spot next to the bin had been the only place I could find to sit.

On the way back home we passed a bloodied man with wounds to his head being chased out of a pub by some very scary looking women.

So it's kind of understandable why I preferred to stay local this year.

The idea of waiting for hours and hours in the sun to see New Year's Eve fireworks didn't inspire me at all. And then there was the countless rules and regulations, no alcohol and no ferries or trains to get back home. Being stranded somewhere on the other side of the Bridge or even Circular Quay with thousands of revellers sounded like a night from Hell.

Watching the spectacular fireworks on TV to the background sound of loud bangs outside your window was the way to go. And there was the added incentive of staying up for That's Entertainment featuring Fred Astaire and other Hollywood greats - and even Frank Sinatra - tap dancing. Perfect!

Well earlier we did walk down to Coogee and had a civilized drink in the pub there, before a woman who had had too much to drink starting abusing the bouncer and saying, "I'm not going to let some foreigner tell me what to do".

We moved and had a perfect spot next to the window for the local fireworks.

Then back home to the previously-mentioned TV. We managed to miss most of the annoying presenters and got the Jersey Boys singing hits from the show. One of the highlights of 2010 for me was interviewing Aussie performer Peter Saide, who plays Bob Gaudio in the Las Vegas version of this great musical. In a perfect example of people with talent being modest, Saide was adorable to interview - so full of life and enthusiasm.

(Ofcourse I wouldn't have minded being in Vegas for NY Eve!)

Here's to a low-key, keep-it-local, simple and modest 2011. Happy New Year everyone.